All-atom lipid database

lipid17 is a modular force field, each lipid is constructed as two acryl chains and a head group. The name of amber lipid is arranged in the format of {AcrylChain1}\_{HeadGroup}\_{AcrylChain2}.

The popular POPC lipid will have a name of PA_PC_OL, whereas Cholesterol will have a name of CHL. For the lipid where the two Acyl chains are the same such as DMPC, the name of the lipid is MY_PC_MY.

The available acryl chain and head groups are:

Description Residue Name
Acyl chain Lauroyl (12:0) LAL
Myristoyl (14:0) MY
Palmitoyl (16:0) PA
Oleoyl (18:1 n-9) OL
Stearoyl (18:0) ST
Arachidonoyl (20:4) AR
Docosahexaenoyl (22:6) DHA
Head group Phosphatidylcholine PC
Phosphatidylethanolamine PE
Phosphatidylserine PS
Phosphatidylglycerol PGR
Phosphaditic acid PH-
Other Cholesterol CHL